
The informatio below is from our friends and colleagues across the ditch.

Kia ora FANNZ

I am very pleased to bring to your attention and to commend the Health committee for their report on the ‘Inquiry into improving child health outcomes and preventing child abuse’.  The Committee has heard our shared concerns about FASD and request for greater leadership and action.  Under the Alcohol Recommendations (page 72) and highlighted in bold in the document the Committee Report states:

We recommend to the Government that it develop an action plan to combat the harm caused by foetal alcohol spectrum disorder in New Zealand. The plan could be similar to that produced by the Australian Commonwealth Government in 2013, and should include the WHO international prevalence study to establish reliable data for New Zealand. It should be a whole-of-government plan, and include the whole population but target those at risk, recognise that the disorder is preventable, provide access to services for those affected, and support prevention measures by the health and broader workforce. This should be achieved within 18 months of this report being published.

Christine Rogan


