A successful event welcomed by parents and their children. This event is unique in Australia as an example of the best support for families living with FASD. Organiser Sam...
FASD News & Events
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (17 Nov 20200 NIAAA celebrates 50 years of advancing alcohol. To commemorate five decades of biomedical discovery in the alcohol and health...
Alcohol Healthwatch (6 September 2019) ‘Looking to the future this FASD Awareness Day’. Scoop New NZ
The Children’s Commissioner wants to see more done to warn women of the risks of drinking during pregnancy. Judge Andrew Becroft has just returned from a meeting with Australia’s...
“The Journal of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Risk &Prevention strives to serve as an international resource for scientificpublications on the epidemiology, neurobiology, psychology and sociology of fetal alcohol toxicity…” [Canadian...