Nordic Welfare Centre – Support and follow-up for children exposed to alcohol and drugs before birth – in a Nordic perspective The Nordic Welfare Center coordinates a Nordic project focusing...
Maple Ridge News (Canada) – More supports ‘urgently’ needed for those living with FASD Those living with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, FASD, face a future with little support, and a...
The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) – ‘No intention’: Reynolds dumps draft proposals to cut diagnosis-based NDIS funding New National Disability Insurance Scheme Minister Linda Reynolds says she has “no intention...
CBC (Canada) – How My Teen With A Disability Is Teaching Me About DignityDignity is defined as the state or quality of being worthy of honour or respect. It comes...
Tom McIlroy (15 July 2020) Push on to strengthen pregnancy alcohol warnings. Financial Review
Victoria Laurie (17 July 2020) Label bid to limit foetal damage from alcohol. The Australian
Mirage News (15 July 2020) NAAA calls on Ministers to vote for a clear, visible and honest health warning on alcohol products. ‘The National Alliance for Action on Alcohol...
FASD Senate Inquiry FARE opening statement (25 June 2020) Note: includes a history of lobbying for alcohol labels.
Dana McCauley (19 May 2020) Doctors ‘hesitant’ to warn pregnant women against drinking alcohol