Emergency Live – Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: What It Is, What Consequences It Has On The ChildFetal alcohol syndrome is a condition in a child that results from alcohol exposure during...
Great news! The sixth European Conference on FASD will take place on September 12 to 14, 2022, with a pre-conference training day on 11 September. We hope to hold...
Australian Government (Australia) – $37.2 million for Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder support and awarenessThe Australian Government is investing more than $37 million for Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) diagnostic services...
CTV News Edmonton (Canada) – Alberta to spend $5M on supports for students with FASDThe Alberta government will be allocating $5 million over five years to educators to get the...
Stuff (New Zealand) – Teenagers left homeless without support for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder One teen ends up sleeping under a bridge. Another is passed between temporary care homes. Carers...
BBC (UK) – Better diagnosis of FASD in children needed, adoptive mum says An adoptive mother is calling for the NHS to improve its diagnosis for children exposed to alcohol...
The Canberra Times (Australia) – Breaking down stigma of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder How much do you know about fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)? Even if you’re an Australian health...
Kitchissipi Times (Canada) – ABLE2 on upcoming FASD Awareness Walk, pandemic fundraisingABLE2, the ‘small but powerful’ charitable organization that supports people across the disability spectrum, is preparing for this year’s...
Healthline – Your Guide to Resources for Children with Developmental Disabilities Children with developmental differences often need extra services to support their physical health and mental well-being. But researching and...