Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders – Regional hippocampal thinning and gyrification abnormalities and associated cognition in children with prenatal alcohol exposureWe used a novel MRI method to evaluate hippocampal structure in...
Research in Developmental Disabilities – Developmental, sensory and behavioral outcomes among infants and toddlers with prenatal alcohol exposure. Findings suggest that several domains of child functioning may be vulnerable to...
Children’s Health Care – Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: an exploratory telehealth pilot group intervention for caregiversThe Family Foundations: Behavioral, Emotional, Social, and Team-Based [B.E.S.T.] program is a novel trauma-informed intervention...
Frontiers in Cellular Neurosci. Sec. Cellular Neurophysiology – Expression of placental CD146 is dysregulated by prenatal alcohol exposure and contributes in cortical vasculature development and positioning of vessel-associated oligodendrocytesRecent data...
CBC (Canada) – Support for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder welcomed, but families say more needs to be doneA woman who has a child with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder says a...
EUFASD – EUFASD 2022 Registration is OpenWelcome to EUFASD 2022! in the charming town of Arendal in Southern Norway! The first Regional Competence Center for children with prenatal alcohol/drug exposure...
NZ Herald (New Zealand) – Neurological disabilities at the centre of appeal for teenage killer Haami HanaraLawyers of teenage killer Haami Hanara say his diagnosis of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder...
The Queen’s Nursing Institute Scotland (Scotland) – FASD is becoming more of a concern for community nurses and midwivesIn March 2022, the Queen’s Nursing Institute Scotland conducted an online survey...
FASD United (USA) – Support HR4151/S2238 The FASD Respect ActI’m writing in support of The FASD Respect Act (HR4151/S2238). Congress first addressed Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) as Fetal Alcohol...