
fetal alcohol syndrome

The Russell Family Fetal Alcohol Disorders Association (rffada) is a not-for-profit health promotion charity dedicated to ensuring that individuals affected prenatally by alcohol have access to diagnostic services, support and multidisciplinary management planning in Australia and that carers and parents are supported with a “no blame no shame” ethos.

Rffada Patron: The Honourable Dr Sharman Stone MP Co-chair ‘Parliamentarians for the Prevention of FASD’ Rffada International Patron: Diane V Malbin MSW Fascets Inc, FASD Expert and International Speaker

The Russell Family Fetal Alcohol Disorders Association (rffada) has proposed a set of five goals for the future of FASD prevention and management in Australia:

  1. Diagnostic clinics in every capital city;
  2. A national media awareness campaign for the prevention of FASD;
  3. Alcohol and pregnancy education in all high schools;
  4. Training implemented for the employees of all services likely to be visited by a person with FASD;
  5. Early intervention funding; and
  6. Ongoing funding for a paid Executive Officer for the rffada to ensure that its strategic plan over the next three years is achieved

Drinking Guidelines

The Australian Guidelines to Reduce Health Risks from Drinking Alcohol state that for women who are pregnant, are planning a pregnancy, or are breastfeeding Not Drinking is the Safest Option— National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder information for all Australians

If there is information on FASD which is not on this website please contact me at elizabeth [at] rffada [dot] org and I will source and upload this information. If you need it then there will be others who do so too.

Thank you Elizabeth (Anne)

Mending Matthew book cover

Mending Matthew by Della Grant

This is the story of a child’s first ten years of a life he was not supposed to have. Born with severe FASD, he has suffered cranio-facial deformities, respiratory problems, cardiac problems, brain damage and more. It is also my story: of my relationship with this child, as his foster mother and advocate; and my battle to keep him alive despite the odds.

Mending Matthew — More Information

rffada & facebook

The Rffada now has a Facebook page for parents and carers and people who are living with FASD. It is a closed and moderated group and anyone interested in joining must be able to be non-judgemental and confidential about what happens in this group. The group can be found at Rffada — parents and carers group.

We also have the main group which provides general information on the condition and which is available to everyone including service providers and medical professionals. The general group can be found at Russell Family Fetal Alcohol Disorders Association.

I trust that anyone wishing to find out more about FASD will be able to do so between this website and the Facebook pages. Kind Regards Anne

Tips for Parents & Carers

The rffada website has a new page. It is called Tips from Parents and Carers. We are asking for all parents and carers of children with FASD to allow us to publish any tips, strategies or interventions which have been successful in helping your child to manage his or her life or helping you to manage yours. If you would like to contribute please email elizabeth [at] rffada [dot] org. The first one is from Anne whose first tip is for parents and carers themselves. Read her ‘hot tip’ now.

  • Media

    For statements or interviews on FASD please contact the President of the rffada, Sonia Berton on 0466 217 690 or email at sonia.berton[at]bigpond [dot] com

    For interviews regarding a birth mother’s perspective on alcohol and pregnancy or FASD please contact Elizabeth on 0412 550 540 or email Elizabeth at elizabeth [at] rffada [dot] org

  • Researchers

    For a consumer perspective on FASD please contact Elizabeth on the above number

  • Parents and Carers

    For information regarding strategies and interventions, support and referral options please ring 1800 rffada and ask for Anne