
I received this heartening email from my colleague in FASD in New Zealand this afternoon (23/10/2012).


Kia ora FANNZ

On Thursday 18th October, I had the privilege of representing our interest in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder at the launch of a Rotary-led Youth FASD Social Media Project. The resulting videos with key messages from young people and others can now be viewed on the FANNZ website www.fan.org.nz  or on www.youtube.com/user/FASDNetworkNZ .

The project has been a truly grass roots community effort. On behalf of Alcohol Healthwatch, the Rotary Club of Parnell and the Well Women & Family Trust we are very grateful to the generosity and commitment of all participants. In particular, we wish to acknowledge two extraordinary women from the FANNZ families, Jackie and Shona, who stepped up to share their FASD journeys and help get the prevention message out there.  Your courage is outstanding and humbling and we applaud and thank you! 

We hope the collection of videos provides a helpful, accessible resource to draw on and share. Accompanying the videos are pocket sized cards with key messages. 

Kind regards

Christine Rogan

Alcohol Healthwatch

Whakatupato Waipiro

If you would like samples sent out, please email me ([email protected]) your name, organisation and postal details along with the heading “NZ Youth FASD Social Media Project” and I will send a request on to Christine.