
I am sure you have all received Christmas greetings up to the eyeballs but I feel that I need to thank you all for being part of the rffada. We currently have on our database an amazing number of people and organisations (622 in fact). We thank you for your support.

The rffada will continue to do its best for FASD in Australia in the New Year. We have certainly begun to tip the balance in Australia with the House Standing Committee on Social Policy and Indigenous Affairs preparing an inquiry on FASD and the labelling issue move slowly forward.

In the minds of those of us who follow the progress of this condition in Australia we are pleased that it is receiving the level of attention and support that it has over the last 6–9 months.

Thanks to all of you who support the rffada. As a birth mother of two children with the condition I will not stop until Australia has the following:

  1. A national media awareness campaign for the prevention of FASD
  2. Alcohol and pregnancy education in all high schools
  3. Training implemented for the employees of all services likely to be visited by a person with FASD
  4. Early intervention funding similar in nature to the Better Start Initiative
  5. Ongoing government funding for the rffada to begin some of the projects we have outlined in our strategic plan (not quite ready for comment)

It’s a big job but knowing that we have the support of so many does make a big difference.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 🙂