
This group contains a variety of information which cannot be categorised elsewhere.  For instance, the ‘Presentations’ page contains all the presentations delivered by Anne Russell and the rffada members since 2000. 

If there is specific information that is not on this website, please contact the rffada at [email protected] and we will obtain it for you.


Additional information from the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research


Government of Western Australia, Department of Health FASD Model of Care

Juvenile Justice and Youth in Juvenile Justice Setting (Reference to FASD pages 15-16 and 27)

Department of Attorney General, Supreme Court of Western Australia The Equality Before the Law Bench Book

Chapter 4 People with Disabilities Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and crime

National Judicial College of Australia Sentencing 2010 Conference, Canberra February 2010

Presentation by Associate Professor Heather Douglas T C Beirne School of Law, The University of Queensland

Sentencing and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

Parliament of Australia: House of Representatives: Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs:

Link between health and the criminal justice system

Report: Parliament of Australia: House of Representatives

Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs – Indigenous Youth in the Criminal Justice System

Doing Time – Time for Doing

Focus on FASD in WA Program

Overview of FASD in Australia – Winthrop Research Professor Carol Bower

WA FASD Model of Care – Kate Gatti

None 4 Nine – Warren Harvey and Lorraine Major

OVAHS FASD Program – Jenni Rogers

Strong Spirit Strong Future – Wendy Casey

The Lililwan Project – Dr James Fitzpatrick

Statewide Specialist Services Education Department – Natasha Ridley

Interdisciplinary knowledge, attitudes and practice of FASD in the WA criminal justice system – Dr Raewyn Mutch

Evaluation of services and information for parents and carers of children with a FASD – Dr Amanda Wilkins

Parliamentary Liaison Group for the Prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)/Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)

The group seeks to disseminate accurate information about FASD and FAS to Senators and Members, act as a forum for policy discussion among Senators and Members, to promote awareness of FASD/FAS in the wider community, and to give FASD/FAS the status of a recognised disability in Australia to facilitate better funding and delivery of services.

Contact person The Hon Dr Sharman Stone MP 02 6277 4477.

View the following websites for politicians comments about FASD:

The Hon Sharman Stone, Member for Murray

The Hon Key Wyatt, Member for Hasluck

The Hon Sid Sidbottom, Member for Braddon

FASD Model of Care, Government of Western Australia, Department of Health

Model of Care

NSW Department of Health, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

FASD Information

Ord Valley – FASD

FASD Prevention in Australia’s Ord Valley and Ord Valley Aboriginal Health Service’s fetal alcohol spectrum disorders program: Big steps, solid outcome

Fitzroy Valley

Australian Human Rights Commission 2010 Social Justice Report (Report No.1/2011) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner

Chapter 3 “From community crisis to community control in the Fitzroy Valley” p67 alcohol and pregnancy

Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet, Edith Cowan University WA

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

Aboriginal Alcohol and Drug Council (ADAC) South Australia

FASD Resources