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University of Queensland News (16 October 2019) ‘Researcher to study Canada’s success in preventing fetal alcohol spectrum disorder‘. Associate Professor Deborah Askew’s newly awarded Churchill Fellowship will allow her...
Bradley Carlson (15 October 2019) Wisconsin Second In US For Binge Drinking Rate, Study Finds’. The Burden Of Binge Drinking’ Points To Economic, Health And Social Consequences Of A...
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The Lancet (5 October 2019) ‘Russia’s alcohol policy: a continuing success story’. Russians are officially drinking less and, as a consequence, are living longer than ever before: life expectancies...
Zhang, S., Wang, L., Yang, T., Chen, L., Zhao, L., Wang, T., … Qin, J. (2019). Parental alcohol consumption and the risk of congenital heart diseases in offspring: An...