Phong Dong (27 Feb 2020) New alcohol decree requires beer establishments to display health warnings. Bars and restaurants selling beer and other beverages with alcohol content of 15 percent...
Roberts, Sarah C. M. DrPH; Mericle, Amy A. PhD; Subbaraman, Meenakshi S. PhD, MS; Thomas, Sue PhD; Kerr, William PhD; Berglas, Nancy F. DrPH ‘Variations by Education Status in...
Prague Morning. (3 Feb 2020) One in Seven Czechs Adults is Alcoholic Study Says. The average Czech drinks 14.4 liters of pure alcohol a year, which is twice as...
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Mohd Noor Aswad (17 November 2019) ‘Helping the Kensiu tribe fight problems of drugs and alcohol’. the Kensiu tribe is not yet in critical stage but alcohol abuse amongst...