"...The young Indigenous man has autism, cerebral palsy and fetal alcohol syndrome. He smiles, grunts and stomps his feet as cadets march in military-like formation for roll call and...
"Statistics show three out of five people in the region are at risk
of acute, or chronic harm because of their alcohol consumption, said Dr. Kit
Young Hoon, the...
Her thesis evaluated the cultural design aspects of a B.C. program aimed at supporting Indigenous youth undergoing a FASD diagnosis.
The new findings contradict the common belief that a glass of red wine or champagne a day can protect the brain, said Dr Doug Brown of Alzheimer’s Society.
New Findings on DNA Research Described by Investigators at Indiana University School of Medicine (DNA Methylation program in normal and alcohol-induced thinning cortex)
Drinking several high-alcohol beers — or their equivalent — each week is associated with adverse changes to the brain's structure, suggests a study in The BMJ.
"...Clinicians should recognise the high rates of psychiatric concerns facing mothers who give birth to children with FASD and should offer treatment and support to these women to improve...
‘Chemical endangerment’ laws in the United States mark an increasingly growing trend to punish women with substance use disorder. These measures are counterproductive. They create barriers to substance use...
We used to think that carrying a piece of drywall around with us so we could bang our head into it every time we had to re-explain something to...