The Conversation (Canada) – People with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder face a heightened risk of homelessnessCanada is in the midst of a housing crisis. A systematic failure to provide decent...
Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare – FASD Testimonial – Deb’s StoryHear from Deb, a client of HDGH’s Regional Children’s Centre’s Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) program, as she shares about her family’s... (Canada) – Message from the Minister of Mental Health and Addictions and Associate Minister of Health – FASD Awareness DayToday, we come together to recognize Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder...
THE EMPOWERED FILMMAKER – What’s it like to have FASD? – Dakota OmothA short film by Dakota Omoth that sheds light into their lived experience with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder...
BBC – Foetal alcohol syndrome: Why fathers need to watch what they drink tooA father’s alcohol consumption has long been overshadowed by the focus on what a mother drinks. But...
Health Nexus Santé – The 4 Levels of FASD PreventionThis webinar will discuss the four mutually reinforcing prevention approaches that have been identified as effective in FASD prevention efforts, inclusive...
The EUFASD Alliance has the great pleasure to announce that Her Majesty the Queen Letizia of Spain will be the Honorary President of the Seventh European Conference on FASD...
KNH Research – Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) AWHONN – AWHONN Insights: Understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder – The Nurse’s RoleTogether, we learn more about neurodiversity, living with FASD, and implementing...
Detroit Free Press (USA) – This hidden disorder could affect 1 in 20 US kids: Why diagnosis and support remain low“When I train parents on parenting kids with FASD, I...