
The training developed by Anne Russell was the first publicly available training delivered in Australia by professional and qualified trainers. This training can be customised and contextualised to the needs of the organisation or group and can be incorporated into policies and procedures to maximise return on investment.

For more information email Anne on [email protected] or ring on 0412 550 540

Testimonials from recent training

“…Thanks Anne for an educational, engaging presentation…”
“…Anne’s personal experience is very touching and means a lot — her expertise in delivering the topic is clear…”
“…I have a better understanding of FASD and how to work with possible clients…”
“…very informative day — insightful…”
“…presenter very knowledgeable and made presentation so much more compelling having had personal experience she can share…”
“…loved it and learned heaps—everything was useful…”
“…very informative training — thank you…”
“…very interesting…”
“…information and management of the client with FASD was very informative and easy to understand…”
“…Anne is an excellent presenter….her knowledge and examples given were very informative….highly recommended course…”

Armidale NSW

“More Australian data needed…thank you for your honesty and sharing your own experiences”
— Judith Corkhill ACT

“Great training thank you”
— Hamish Watt ACT

“Better than expected”
— J Taudl ACT

“Training was very informative”
— Jason Aguilera ACT

“Far exceeded my expectations…I really enjoyed this training and amazed at what I learnt today…thank you so much for your time.”
— Kate Blake ACT

“Will need to go through (this workbook) again in my own time to have all information sink in.”
— Anonymous ACT

“Was much more than I expected…very interesting and useful.”
— Mellissa Doran

“…training was excellent — it exceeded my expectations…”

“…Anne’s personal experience enhanced the training and helped to enhance my understanding of ARND/FAS disorders…”
— Alex Walten

“…far more comprehensive than expected, especially when combined with Anne’s personal anecdotes…”
— Clare Pirrett

“…very useful and informative…Thanks very much Anne, you are welcome back any time…rdquo;
— Trish Kane

“…great explanation and description / definition of FASD, FAS. ARND…”
— Jade Blomley

“I wanted to drop you a line to tell you how much I appreciated the FASD training yesterday. It was really informative and interesting (and shocking at times) and very relevant to our work at NPYWC. I think a lot of the time the training we receive is conducted by people who know the topic through book-learning so I think it was really great that you could share your knowledge through your own life experience.”
— Gemma Farrar

“…better than I expected – interesting, informative — SCARY…”

“Great resource: good statistics”

“This is a fascinating subject — there needs to be a publicity campaign to raise community awareness”
— Cathy Wilson NSW

“The information has been very interesting and applicable to the clients we work with”
— Louise Hawke NSW

“I have enjoyed the program as it has addressed the myths regarding FASD”
— Donna Picker NSW

“Excellent information with lots of research information…an excellent resource”
— Liz Beasley NSW

“Excellent presenter”
— Jody NSW