Finally, there is a stand-alone diagnostic code to allow clinical tracking and epidemiologic surveillance of...
"...Ira J. Chasnoff, M.D. wants to grab attention by grabbing hearts, using the...
New research reveals that the sperm cells of adolescent boys have more than six times the rate of DNA mutations as the equivalent egg cells in adolescent girls, resulting...
Paediatrician commends strategy developed by remote Western Australian community for educating women as well as training midwives and teachers.
"...Targeted strategies that address the needs of alcohol or nicotine using women and...
"Memory-guided eye movement task performance of children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)...
"...Comprehensive assessment of a range of fine motor skills in children with PAE...
It is completely preventable, but based on historic rates, there will be tens of thousands of babies born in the United States this year, including hundreds in Iowa, with...
(HealthDay News) — Among youth, the rate of missed diagnosis or misdiagnosis of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders is 86.5%, according to a study published online January 12 in Pediatrics.