This is the beginning of my journey to provide education and hope to others suffering from this invisible disability..."
Dr. W. Gifford Jones has correctly identified fetal alcohol spectrum disorder as a major public-health concern. - See more at:
As of April 21, 2016, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Fetal Alcohol Center for Excellence (FASD CFE) will cease operations due to lack...
Theory of mind (ToM) refers to the ability to understand and make inferences about other people's intentions, feelings, and beliefs. Although children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders...
Updated Postings: Research on Adolescents and Adults: If Not Now, When? The 7th National Biennial Conference on Adolescents and Adults with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) April 6-9, 2016...
Raising a child with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) can be challenging and isolating for parents. A new virtual support group hopes it can offer help. Kate Winsor is...
"The eleven minute documentary tells the story of Karri, a young adult who has grown up with FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.)..."
Although there have
been thousands of published articles in FASD in general, there has been limited
research specifically on adolescents and adults with FASD or on individuals
across the...