
Journal of Child Neurology – Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and Pediatric Neurology: Are We Missing the Connection? A Scoping Review
This study suggests that in addition to ADHD and autism spectrum disorder, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder may also be a common diagnosis in pediatric neurology practice.

Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research – Understanding the intersection of prenatal alcohol exposure and postnatal adversity: A systematic review from a developmental psychopathology lens
This systematic review examines the impact of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) and postnatal adversity (PA) using the developmental psychopathology (DP) framework.

Trends in psychiatry and psychotherapy – Evaluation of Criminal Responsibility in a Patient with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Intellectual Disability
The current study presents the case of a young man with intellectual disability related to fetal alcohol syndrome, referred for forensic psychiatric examination of criminal liability following charges of armed robbery, and who was considered not criminally liable.

Therapy In Health Care – Exploring Occupational Therapy Practice for Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
This article delineates the role and scope of occupational therapy practice for children and youth with FASD, focusing on holistic and strengths-based approaches.

Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research – Maternal and paternal risk factors associated with diagnoses within the continuum of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in the USA: Proximal and distal influences
While multiple, significant maternal risk factors for FASD were identified, paternal drinking was not a statistically significant, independent risk factor.

Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research – Control of precision grip in children with heavy prenatal alcohol exposure
Children with heavy prenatal alcohol exposure demonstrate force deficits when using precision grip to manipulate an object with three different masses.

Neuropharmacology – Moderate prenatal alcohol exposure alters GABAergic transmission and the actions of acute alcohol in the medial central amygdala of adolescent rats
Overall, these findings support the hypothesis that mPAE leads to sex-specific changes in synaptic activity and neuronal function.

Children – Anxiety and Depression and Sleep Problems Among Patients with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
These findings suggest that sleep disturbances in children with FASD are closely related to state anxiety and depressive symptoms. The results emphasize the need for targeted interventions addressing sleep and emotional health in this population.

Minerva pediatrics – Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: where we have come from, trends, and future directions
First described in the 1970s as fetal alcohol syndrome, continuing progress has been made in the understanding, recognition and treatment of what is now recognized to be a range of related neurodevelopmental disorders.

Journal of Substance Use – Prevalence of tobacco and alcohol use among pregnant women in India: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Tobacco and alcohol use during pregnancy are prevalent in India. Developing effective strategies to reduce these rates is important for achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs) and improving maternal and child health.

Substance Use & Misuse – Trends in U.S. State Alcohol and Other Drug Use During Pregnancy Policies from 2016 to 2020: Policymaking in the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act Era
Even though CARA does not require reporting for the purposes of child welfare investigations, several states adopted such requirements during these years.

Drug and Alcohol Review – Regional disparities and correlates of alcohol use during pregnancy in India: Insights from the National Family Health Survey-5
Alcohol use during pregnancy in India shows significant regional and socio-demographic disparities. The findings highlight the need for targeted public health interventions and policies, particularly in high-risk groups and regions.

Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research – A randomized controlled trial of Native CHOICES: Impact on alcohol-exposed pregnancy risk reduction among American Indian and Alaska Native women
The Native CHOICES intervention did not show evidence of effectiveness overall. However, exploratory analyses offer some evidence that the intervention was effective prior to the pandemic.

Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research – Understanding the effects of alcohol policies on treatment admissions and birth outcomes among young pregnant people
General population policies also appear effective for reducing the adverse effects of drinking during pregnancy for young people, including those under 21. Policies that target people based on age or pregnancy status appear less effective.

SAGE Open Nursing – The Role of Pregnancy Intentions in U.S. Women’s Contraceptive and Alcohol Use Behaviors
Pregnancy intentions are associated with contraceptive nonuse but not heavy alcohol use. Delayed pregnancy recognition among those not actively trying to conceive but also not consistently using an effective form of contraception might place women who are avoiding or ambivalent about pregnancy at heightened risk for an alcohol-exposed pregnancy.

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